Junior Keeper Camps

Designed for 12 to 16 year olds who want to experience what it is like to be a zookeeper

See and experience how animals are cared  for, what they eat, and how zookeepers maintain exhibits to keep their  animals happy. We spend this week behind-the-scenes exploring how  zoos work and who works there. We will create gifts for some animals and  even get your hands dirty during this exciting week! The final day your  child will give you a guided tour of the animals they learned about  during the week.                

Please remember this is outdoors and it will be summer.  If they do not like to be hot or sweaty, it is not for them

muntjac deer
"Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That's the problem"

A. A. Milne
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Some of our family members you might meet on your next visit.